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Mostrando resultados de 483
  • Sabías que... Las grandes ciudades | Recurso educativo 695163

    Sabías que... Las grandes ciudades

    EduBook Organización

    • 1723 visitas

    En las grandes ciudades del mundo, cuando la emisión de gases de los automóviles es muy alta se restringe su tránsito en el centro de la ciudad o solo se permite la circulación en días alternos de…

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  • Lembra que... Estados de agregación da materia | Recurso educativo 556259

    Lembra que... Estados de agregación da materia

    EduBook Organización

    • 1730 visitas

    Sólido As partículas dos sólidos teñen escasa mobilidade. A forma e o volume dun sólido son invariables. Líquido As partículas dos líquidos teñen máis mobilidade, esvaran unhas sobre outras. O…

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  • Keeping our lungs healthy | Recurso educativo 585226

    Keeping our lungs healthy

    EduBook Organización

    • 1733 visitas

    We need to inhale clean air for our respiratory system to work properly. If there is less oxygen in the air, we have difficulties in breathing. This is why badly ventilated spaces are bad for our lungs.…

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  • Unit 4: The Earth and the Moon | Recurso educativo 565461

    Unit 4: The Earth and the Moon

    EduBook Organización

    • 1630 visitas

    Annular eclipse (n): when the Moon only covers the central area of the Sun and a dark circle surrounded by a bright ring is visible. atmosphere (n): the layer of gases surrounding the Earth. axis (n):…

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  • End-of-unit evaluation - The Atmosphere | Recurso educativo 565566

    End-of-unit evaluation - The Atmosphere

    EduBook Organización

    • 1638 visitas

    The Earth is surrounded by a mixture of gases we call the atmosphere. The air we breathe is part of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is composed of a series of layers. The most important layer is the…

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  • End-of-unit activities - Our planet Earth | Recurso educativo 584669

    End-of-unit activities - Our planet Earth

    EduBook Organización

    • 1639 visitas

    Most of the Earth is made up of the geosphere. This is a large sphere of rock with a diameter of 13000 km. A large part of the geosphere is covered by the hydrosphere. This is a layer of liquid water…

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  • Hixiene da respiración | Recurso educativo 589324

    Hixiene da respiración

    EduBook Organización

    • 1620 visitas

    O aire que respiramos debe chegar aos pulmóns limpo e en boas condicións. Se a concentración de osíxeno no aire que respiramos diminúe, teremos máis dificultades para obter o osíxeno que o noso…

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  • End-of-unit activities - The Atmosphere | Recurso educativo 565553

    End-of-unit activities - The Atmosphere

    EduBook Organización

    • 1553 visitas

    The Earth is surrounded by a mixture of gases we call the atmosphere. The air we breathe is part of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is composed of a series of layers. The most important layer is the…

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  • Introduction - Our planet Earth | Recurso educativo 584640

    Introduction - Our planet Earth

    EduBook Organización

    • 1522 visitas

    Most of the Earth is made up of the geosphere. This is a large sphere of rock with a diameter of 13000 km. A large part of the geosphere is covered by the hydrosphere. This is a layer of liquid water…

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  • End-of-unit evaluation - Our planet Earth | Recurso educativo 584674

    End-of-unit evaluation - Our planet Earth

    EduBook Organización

    • 1383 visitas

    Most of the Earth is made up of the geosphere. This is a large sphere of rock with a diameter of 13000 km. A large part of the geosphere is covered by the hydrosphere. This is a layer of liquid water…

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